Workshops for Women and Money

Day long intensive workshops for women who wish to make a change in relationship to money will be offered on the following dates: Saturday September 16, 2006; Saturday February 3, 2007 and Saturday, September 15,2007. These workshops are designed to focus on each individual’s money journey and to help you become conscious of your beliefs about money, develop your goals in relationship to money and understand your connection to your money. The workshop is especially useful if you need to change your relationship to your money , if you are in conflict with your partner over money issues, if you are avoidant of money issues or if you feel intense emotions about money. If you wish to receive further information or a brochure describing the workshop, please contact me at my office number 404-320-6510 and leave your mailing address. I am also available to speak to groups about the issues of gender and money and other topics on the Psychology of Money.