Women and Money : It’s Complicated!

As women most of us were given messages by our families that were appropriate to developing money skills. Most of us were told to save, to spend carefully, to work hard and to watch out for debt. These are in fact useful money habits but by themselves they are not enough to help women become truly skilled in their money lives. We must also look at the real world factors and the role of societal messages that impact women and their money.

What are the 3 biggest money mistakes that women make repeatedly?

They do not plan their money lives. By that I mean they are not taught to look...

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Your Journey to Money Maturity

Your journey to money maturity begins when you are finally able as an adult to step aside from your engagement with money and see both the emotive and the realistic sides to this commodity. For many years you have been affected by the messages received from your family, our culture and your own childhood experiences with money. Your journey to maturity does not really begin until you are able to see and articulate your money-learning backgound. Until then it will be difficult to separate yourself from your history and make choices that reflect your current values, emotions and reality with money.


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How Parents Teach About Money

In this article I use the term “women” to discuss the part of our population that was socialized with traditional feminine middle-class values. However this information may apply to men who were raised in this manner and may not apply to women who were raised in other cultures or with non-traditional socialization. So let me say at the outset that I realize I am making generalizations that do not apply across the board and may not apply to many women…..but you may be in relationship with someone who was raised in these traditions and that may be of use to you.

I will...

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