Currently Browsing: Coaching

Anxiety: Learning to manage

Anxiety issues affect about 30% of the United States adult population at one time or another, according to the research done by the World Health Organization. Anxiety comes about for many reasons: genetics, your ability to manage body sensations, your emotional life, the perception of threats to your well-being and the culture in which you live. Anxiety is the most common mental health diagnosis given and therefore has a wide variety of treatments.

Treatments that have been shown to be effective for anxiety vary quite a bit and it is not always easy to predict which ones will be helpful...

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The Differences between Coaching, Consulting, Counseling and Psychotherapy

When you are looking for help with an issue, you may be confused about what services to seek. Here is a general explanation of the services that can be useful to you. The most recently developed of the helping services is coaching. It is such a new service that there are no minimum requirements for providers and no licensing laws developed. Anyone can call themselves a coach.The letters after a coach’s name have no legal definition and may vary depending on the programs he/she has attended. It may be more beneficial to find a licensed mental health professional who is also trained in coaching...

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